Recently we have been hearing the word “Joy” quite a lot, in numerous ways. But, what, exactly, is “Joy”? 

According to the dictionary: “Joy is a feeling of great pleasure or happiness that comes from success, good fortune or a sense of well-being”. Okay…so that’s what it is…good to know.

Within that definition though is the fact that Joy can mean something different to each one of us. We get to define what Joy is for us…and only us. So, what might Joy mean to you? Maybe it’s:
  • Spending time with family and friends.
  • A good time on vacation.
  • Receiving optimistic news on a medical test.
  • Winning the lottery (right!).
  • Sitting on your deck in beautiful weather.
  • Getting engaged, married, having a child.
  • Watching someone you care for grow-up or get better.
  • Being fulfilled in your profession or a hobby.
  • Seeing your team have victory.
  • Reading your favorite author.

It can be all these things and so many more. Joy’s possibilities are endless. Maybe that’s why it has become a very popular word and emotion. So, whatever things might be on your list, be sure they are…”EnJOYable”. I am sure they will be.