Cold & Snow... It's February

C…Cloudy a lot.

O…Overcast (a lot like cloudy).

L…Low temperatures.

D…Daylight increasing a bit (a good thing).


S…Snow, sometimes in big amounts.

N…No shadow for the groundhog.

O…Only for hardy folks this winter stuff.

W…Winter hibernation (on top of COVID hibernation)?

I…Inside a lot.

T…Teases of Spring (but not too many).

S…Shortest month (or the longest)?

F…Festive Valentine’s Day!

E…Excitement for Spring.

B…Bracing for the Winter that remains.

R…Rain, with snow. Unfair.

U…Useful items abound like boots and shovels.

A…Awfully tired of boots and shovels.

R…Remain optimistic.

Y…Yikes! It’s March.